Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Rant One: Staring

So it has been far too long since I last blogged.  I'm going to try and update more seriously, I promise.  In hopes that it will help I'm going to write a series of blogs on Korean things I didn't anticipate.  Today's topic: staring.

OK, I get it.  I'm not Korean therefore I don't fit in very well in this country.  That said, I'm still amazed how many people stare at me on a daily basis.  People stop and take pictures of us just walking around--literally just me standing on a subway or Ben and I walking down a sidewalk is a photo opportunity.  I would understand if I was in Sub-Saharan Africa where there is a legitimate chance they haven't been exposed to outsiders in any fashion but Korea is quite advanced.  They watch American movies, listen to our music, and teach their kids to speak English.  You would think they'd be less awe struck when they actually see one of us on the street.  I also understand that young kids stare and I'm totally fine with that but when 65 year old women stare at me the entire subway ride it makes me uncomfortable.  Aside from being tall and overweight I think I'm a pretty normal looking human being.  I don't have any deformities or a 3rd arm so I don't see what all the fuss is about.  I'm also going out of my way to try to fit in and avoid standing out so it makes it very frustrating when half the people around are burning holes in the back of my head as I stare out the bus window.

I guess it is like when celebrites get photographed in public and then it gets published in tabloids or celeb gossip blogs.  Oh my God!  Jessica Alba buying groceries?  Justin Timberlake going for a jog?  I always just wonder who gives a shit about that kind of nonsense?  I mean really folks, they're famous not aliens.  They go about the same mundane, daily shit that the rest of us do, they just look better doing it.  It is the same way for foreigners in Korea.  I don't know what they think foreigner teachers do when we're not teaching but everyone seems shocked that we live a pretty normal existence in their fine country which involves such radical adventures as eating, riding a bus, or buying groceries.  A perfect example was last week at our one of our favorite restaurants the apparent owner stood directly at the side of our table and silently watched us eat.  For minutes on end he stood there hovering over us.  I'm not sure how you say "awkward" in Korean but I should probably add it to my list of words to learn.  I mean, he was literally watching us put the food on the chopsticks, raise it to our mouths, chew, and swallow as if he expected me to stuff it up my nose or under my eyelid instead.  I felt like a rat in a lab experiment where my every move was closely monitored under a microscope.  He also rubbed Charlie's stomach as if to say "that is where the food goes" as if Chuck was unaware.

I suppose part of this whole dilemna is a cultural difference.  In the US you teach your kids not to stare at someone who is different because it is rude.  It makes them uncomfortable and brings to the forefront the fact that they're different.  I'll admit not staring goes against your natural inclination which is why I'll pardon the young kids staring under the guise of "they don't know better."  But in Korea it isn't rude to stare.  If there is something interesting happening, such as a 6'2"/200 lb. white man eating sushi, they don't want to miss any of the action so they just stare away.  When in Rome do as the Romans.  Well, when in Korea be stared at like a bearded lady I suppose.

I'll try to blog again tomorrow.  I have a long list of Korea rants so the blog should be moderately entertaining again in the near future.

Take it easy, but take it. 


  1. I think its just that you are an attractive man that is apparently HOT STUFF in Korea. Can't help a person for staring when they see the love of their life walking down a street or eating their food.

  2. I think the older people just didn't have anything else to do growing up, other than stare. And, you know, fight tyranny. :)

    The guy RUBBED Charlie's BELLY?? WTF???
