Sunday, July 19, 2009

A weekend to remember

This past weekend is quite easily the most ridiculous 2 day stretch since I've been in Korea. I probably can't do it justice in a blog but I'm going to try.

Friday night we ate dinner at our usually spot and then the four of us (myself, Ben, Charlie, and Haji) went to check out a place called "Wa Bar" that Haji had told us about. It is apparently a popular foreigner hang-out, it is closer than NOW Bar, and we all needed a change of pace anyway. We ate french fries, drank beer, and argued about the need for a playoff system in college football. Actually, we didn't argue about that at all, anyone with half a brain knows that the BCS is total crap. Anyway, after a bit we start chatting with a couple sitting next to us. This is where things get interesting.

Emily, a native Korean, and Alan, a teacher from Ohio, join our table and the night gets slightly ridiculous. Long story short, Haji leaves (after picking up the tab, what a boss, right?) but before he goes the idea of norebang is introduced into conversation and he strongly suggests that we do it. Now, before I came to Korea my idea of karaoke was the embarrassing experience of singing in front of a bar full of strangers. Norebang (literally "Sing Room") is different. First, you have a private room. There are two microphones, a handful of tambourines, and a remote control where you enter the song you want to sing. So with our new friends leading the way we proceed to spend a really hilarious 2 hours in this room singing Boyz 2 Men, Dr. Dre, and even "Play that Funky Music White Boy." I cannot even begin to express how funny this whole thing was. The best part was when our hour was up we weren't ready to leave so Charlie decides to go barter with the people to give us more time. I believe the quote was, "How much until 3 o'clock? We're gonna do some epic shit!" Drunken norebang was a fantastic time to say the least.

So that brings us to Saturday. We made plans to meet with Emily and go to this bar/club called "Monkey Beach" in Seoul. We spent the afternoon playing screen golf (another 40 for me on the front 9 at Pebble Beach including a horrendous 5 on a 89 yard par 3). After golf we came back, changed, and met up with Emily at Suwon Station. After a 90 minute journey on the subway with 2 transfers we arrived in Apgujeong and met up with Emily's friend. So this guy introduces himself as "DJ Kim" and we later find out he is paying $800 a month to train to be in a boy band. So now it is the trio, Emily, and DJ Kim. We grabbed a quick bite to eat and headed into Monkey Beach.

So the club is a Thai themed bar which is funny considered Ben and I are going to Thailand next week. It was really a typical bar with a few expections. First, the cocktails we served in giant buckets. For $15 you could get a bucket of mixed drink that had EIGHT shots. That's right, eight shots. So, it goes without saying, that after two buckets it was time to dance. And dance we did. Everyone is basically dancing on this 50 foot long picnic table. A great time was had by all. The other awesome thing about Monkey Beach was they had a guy in a Halloween mask walking around playing a game. If you beat him in Rock-paper-scissors you got a free shot. If he won he got to whack you on the head with a plastic hammer. I obviously lost and took a beating. Charlie redeemed our group and took him down.

So, yeah, it was absolutely ridiculous and I spent most of yesterday recovering. Ben and I head to Thailand on Saturday so there will be plenty of things to blog about soon. I hope everyone is doing well. I miss and love you all. Take it easy, but take it.

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