Saturday, April 11, 2009

Curse words are a universal language

Last night after work Charlie, my boss, and I went to our favorite restaurant.  It seems like everytime I blog I mention this place but I think that is just because it is probably my favorite restaurant on the planet.  Anyway, I digress.  After dinner we sit there sipping out beers, taking shots of soju, and enjoying each other's company.  All the sudden at another table this one Korean guy stands up and punches his friend in the face.  Twice.  Everything on their table goes flying, the other people in their group try to break it up, and they wrestle on the floor a bit.  This guy was just super pissed and it happened really suddenly.  Both Charlie and I were like, "Holy shit!  He just punched his boy in the face!"  We have a good laugh and I turn my back and forget about it.

Next thing I know the drunk asshole is knocking things over... on our table.  He has a tea kettle in his hand and he's now chosen Charlie as the target of his aggression.  He walks up, pokes Charlie in the face, and starts saying "Fuck? ... Fuck you!" and I realize he is serious.  Our boss is saying "Don't look him in the face" but I mean, come on!  The guy is about to hit Charlie with a tea kettle; where am I supposed to look?  So I stand up, the restaurant owner rushes over, and his friends drag him outside.  We honestly have no idea why he chose Charlie (who didn't do or say anything to him) but we almost had to throw down in our favorite restaurant against a complete stranger.  It was pretty comical once I stood up how fast he sort of "pussed out".  I'm not a small guy by American standards but in Korea I'm basically huge and I think once he saw how much bigger I was he rethought his little "hit that American with a tea kettle plan."

I felt bad for the restaurant owner who was just horribly embarrassed by the whole ordeal, even though she had absolutely nothing to do with it.  She kept apologizing over and over to our boss in Korean and we tried to express that we weren't mad at her or the restaurant or anything.  We understand that some people are assholes when they're drunk, even in Korea.  I am pretty sure she thinks we'll never be back, she'll probably relieved to see us back tomorrow night.

After that whole ordeal we headed over to NOW Bar and had a few drinks there.  Met some Indian engineers who work in Suwon, played some pool, and watched the most hilarious poker game ever.  These guys were playing PLO and it was easily the worst play I've ever seen.  If I had brought more money I probably would have sat down.

We were supposed to go to Itaewon today but I was pretty hungover and a 90 minute ride on the subway standing the whole way to Seoul didn't sound like much fun so we put it off until tomorrow.  I'll be sure to blog about Itaewon as I've heard it is a really interesting place and has the highest concentration of English speakers anywhere in Korea.

Finally, the new teacher from Britain, Ben, is arriving tomorrow night.  It will be nice to have another buddy around the school and to show him around Suwon a bit.  It also means Charlie doesn't have to teach kindergarten any more so I'll have someone to shoot around with at the basketball courts down the street in the mornings.  My basketball is the most expensive thing I've bought in Korea and I must say it has been well worth every dollar. 

Alright, going to get adventerous and try to find a new place to eat tonight.  Take it easy, but take it.

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