Sunday, April 12, 2009

Politics/Religion Rant

Ok, so this will have little to nothing to with life in Suwon and will mainly be a politcal rant so if that sort of this doesn't interest you (or you're super opinionated) just quit reading now and check back soon for my post about Itaewon and our new teacher/friend, Ben.  I will say that being in Korea has given me a great perspective on how the rest of the world views America.  I also have a deep appreciation for signs of respect and understanding between different people.  Also I should say that while I voted for Obama I'm by no means his biggest fan and I disagree with him on many issues so this isn't some Obama-nut-hugging blog.  I should also prefice by saying that I originally heard about these events on the Daily Show but rest assured I don't use John Stewart as a source and I actually took the time to do my homework before getting so fired up I felt the need to blog.

So if you haven't heard (any by "haven't heard" I mean you don't stoop so low as to watch Fox News) President Obama hasn't been to church since he took office.  I guess today would mark 12 Sundays in office without going to church and someone at Fox News has been sitting there counting, marking it on the board like he's committing some mortal sin.  Fox News basically acted like this is the worst thing the man could have done.  Now, maybe it is just me and I'm totally off base but it seems like the most powerful man in the world just might have more important things to do.  Take for example two failed wars, a stock market that has lost X% in the last few months, a housing market disaster, a world perception that America is a bunch of Islam hating assholes, and an economy that is stuck in reverse.  On top of all that he is raising two young girls.  Cut the man some slack.  And the thing is, he could be privately praying or conducting full on church services behind closed doors and these fools would have no idea.

Then he added fuel to Fox's ridiculous fire by going to the Middle East and making some completely correct statements about our fine country.  While giving a speach to members of the Turkish government he was trying to stress the need for America to bridge the divide between our great country and the Islamic world.  He went as far as to say "America is not a Christian nation" we are a nation of ideals, multiple belief systems, etc etc.  And the thing is he is completely correct.  100%, no doubt about it.  I am just shocked and really appauled that Fox News (and Rush Limbaugh and his asshole following) seems to think he made some horrible mistake by saying we aren't a Christian nation.  The seperation of church and state is in the Constitution not only to keep religious practice out of public schools but rather to keep it out of anything having to do with government.  Now I know my personal beliefs about religion could potentially cloud my judgment on this issue but I feel like I have taken a giant, objective step back and really examined his words in context (something Fox News didn't give him the respect of doing; you can take any sound or video clip out of context and spin its meaning in your favor) and I still feel that he was not only speaking the truth but he was saying some very important things that the Islamic world hasn't heard from a US President in some time.  I mean, do they really think it is a Christian nation?  I would like to hear them explain that face to the Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist, etc, populations who pay taxes, serve in the military, and are as American as anyone else.  It just illustrates this horrible ignorance and intolerance that inexplicably is allowed to fester in religious circles.  This sort of intolerance is for some reason only tolerated under this guise of religion and it is quite disturbing to say the least.

OK, I should clarify that I don't think the conservative right is a bunch of Christian wackos.  Only the ones who run their media outlets.  Then Obama had the audacity (sarcasm) to bow respectfully when meeting a Saudi Prince.  He is a guest in a foreign country meeting their head of state and he bowed respectfully while shaking the man's hand in greeting.  They even said things like, "His head was all the way below the Prince's shoulders!"  How in the hell could that be a problem?  Fox News (I use Fox as my example and perhaps it is narrow-minded but it is easier than typing 'Conservative Media Outlets' so just roll with it) made it sound like by bowing he submitted to Islam and handed over the keys to the country.  He was showing respect for a religion and a culture that dominates a large portion of this planet who currently have a terrible, warped image of our great country and he is making strides to correct that. 

I guess the point of this rant is that, in my opinion, it is ludicrious to crucify the man for not going to church and then in the next breath critize him for attempting to restore America's image in the Islamic world by speaking the truth about the nature of our country and showing respect to foreign leaders.  I watched Obama be sworn into office and I never heard any clause about attending church; it was all about serving his country and being the best leader he can be.  Sure looks like he is doing his best to do just that.  But, again, that's just me.

Rant over, take it easy but take it.

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